Blast and Fire Engineering for Topside Structures Phase 1 - Final Reports
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'Blast & Fire Engineering for Topside Structures: Phase I - Final Reports' is a series of 26 work package reports written as part of Phase I of the Joint Industry Project on Blast and Fire Engineering for Topside Structures. Phase 1 of the JIP started in May 1990 to collate, appraise and disseminate information on blast and fire loads, and on the resistance of structures and facilities to these loads. The findings of the work carried out during Phase I of the JIP were collated into these 26 reports which summarise the state-of-the-art in fire and explosion engineering in 1991.
The deliverables from Phase 1 includes the following 26 technical reports (grouped into 5 volumes):
General Information (G Series)
- G1(a) - Generic foundation data to be used in the assessment of blast and fire scenarios
- G1(b) - Representative range of blast and fire scenarios
- G1(c) - The prediction of single and two phase release rates
- G2 - Typical structural details for primary, secondary and supporting structures / components
- G3 - Legislation, codes of practice and certification requirements
- G4 - Experimental facilities suitable for use in studies of fire and explosion hazards in offshore structures
- G5 - The use of alternative materials in the design and construction of blast and fire resistant structures
Fire Loading (FL Series)
- FL1 - Oil and gas fires: characteristics and impact
- FL2 - Behaviour of oil and gas fibres in the presence of confinement and obstacles
- FL3 - Current fire research: experimental, theoretical and predictive modelling resources
Fire Response (FR Series)
- FR1 - Experimental data relating to the performance of steel components at elevated temperatures
- FR2 - Methodologies and available tools for the design/analysis of steel components at elevated temperatures
- FR3 - Passive fire protection: performance requirements and test methods
- FR4 - Availability and properties of passive and active fire protection systems
- FR5 - Existing fire design criteria for secondary, support and system steelwork
- FR6 - Fire performance of explosion damaged structural and containment steelwork
- FR7 - Thermal response of vessels and pipework exposed to fire
Blast Loading (BL Series)
- BL1 - Gas/vapour build-up on offshore structures
- BL2 - Confined vented explosions
- BL3 - Explosions in highly congested volumes
- BL4 - The prediction of the pressure loading on structures resulting from an explosion
- BL5 - Possible ways of mitigating explosions on offshore structures
Blast Response (BR Series)
- BR1 - The effects of simplification of the explosion pressure - time history
- BR2 - Explicit analytical methods for determining structural response
- BR3 - Computerised analysis tools for assessing the response of structures subject to blast loading
- BR4 - The effects of high strain rates on material properties
- BR5 - Analysis of projectiles
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