Technical Note 07
Simplified Methods for Analysis of Response to Dynamic Loading

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For steel members subject to dynamic loading, the most widely used SDOF model has so far been the BIGGS model which suffers from the following shortcomings:
- It does not incorporate the effects of support stiffness.
It does not account for different moments capacities at the supports.
It ignores catenary action, which has a significant influence on the member response at large displacement, in the presence of axial restraints.
It ignores the influence of material strain rate sensitivity and strain-hardening.
It does not account for the beam column effect in load-bearing members that sustain significant compressive axial forces.
This Technical Note provides a new SDOF model that addresses the first three shortcomings of the BIGGS model, is sophisticated enough to capture the main effects ignored by BIGGS, yet simple enough for practical application in a design office environment. The elastic and elasto-plastic stages are considered separately from the perfectly plastic and subsequent catenary stage.
- Scope of Work
- Technical Note Layout
- Assumptions of new method
- Model Characteristics
- Elasto-Plastic Bending Response
- Plastic Bending and Catenary Response
- Evaluation of Model Parameters - Generic case
- Evaluation of Model Parameters - Special cases
- Ductility Measures
- Static Bending Response
- Example 1: Elasto Plastic Bending Response of a Beam Subject to a Static Load
- Example 2: Elasto-Plastic Bending Response of a Beam with Asymmetric Cross Section Subject to a Static Load
- Example 3: Elasto-Plastic Bending Response of a Beam Subject to a Static Load
- Example 4: Elasto-Plastic Bending Response of a Beam Subject to a Static Load
- Catenary Response
- Example 5: Overall (Elasto-plastic and Catenary) Response of a Beam Subject to a Static Load
- Example 6: Elasto-Plastic Bending Response of a Beam Subject to a Static Load
- Example 7: Elasto-Plastic Bending Response of a Beam Subject to a Static Load
- Dynamic Bending Response Examples
- Example 8: Elasto-Plastic Bending Response of a Beam Subject to Dynamic Loading
- Dynamic Bending and Catenary Response
- Example 9: Overall (Elasto-plastic and Catenary) Response of a Beam Subject to a Dynamic Loading
- Static Bending Response
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